Saturday, December 3, 2011

Double date dinners and computerstaches

Today is the day I properly start a blog. Hoorah!
Not sure what I'll be putting in it but I will try for twice weekly posts to get used to writing in it.
Today is also the day I experience what a double date feels like. The idea of it seems so...grown up.
Being in a relationship too. That whole thing still feels odd to me.
"Yes this is my boyfriend Dylan"
Boyfriend? What a weird word to say. Dylan found it weird to to introduce me as his girlfriend.
We thought about it, boy and girl seem rather juvenile, so we tried saying "Lady Friend" and "Man Friend" Those were even weirder to say. Lady Friend sounds like it is designating a female escort.
Scratch that. So we went with "partner" which always seemed sort of pretentious to me but was comfortable to say for both of us so that was the end of that.
Part of this double-date entails we all make food for dinner and eat together in my dormitory sweet. Only, I haven't any food at all save for the forgotten apples Dylan and I picked late at night in the yard of an adult education centre near our Residence Building. It was good to finally get them used up since they had been sitting in my crisper drawer, taking up space for like two weeks. The only thing I could think
of was an apple crisp.

I gave it a little nibble but I think I didn't add enough of pretty much everything, but the almond flour crust seems pretty good. Hopefully Kristen and her lady aren't picky eaters.

We're coming to the end of this semester, my first semester of college, and it blows my mind. Has it really been 13 weeks that we've been here? How is it possible that time has moved so fast? Fun that's what. I've definitely been enjoying myself. Not so much the hysterical stressful moments over left-to-the-last-minute-projects. Its been nice though getting back into academics again after two years of gradual mental decay. I mean, I get to learn how to use a compass, and GPS and fish identification and tons of other super awesome stuff from some super awesome teachers and a really nice bunch of classmates. Still, there's this nagging stress that I haven't been involved enough, haven't done all I said I was going to, am not smart enough to go on to next semester and next year. I know all these thoughts aren't true, I've done a lot at this school, I've made some awesome friends and I've done more than most students at this school. I guess I can't stand to be lazy and idle though I find it hard to get started on anything. A bit conflicting huh?

Now that we are into December, it's going to be time to get one's nose to the grindstone to get through all the exams and tests coming our way next week, plan the tree weeks of holidays proceeding and organize for a whole new bunch of courses.
And better than that, no more dirty moustaches! Movember is done! In Geospatial Analysis this Wednesday, Amanda and I found a sad little abandoned moustache on one of the computer screens.
Reminds me somewhat of Jack Layton's moustache. His was the greatest of all moustaches and I don't even feel worthy of wearing a crappy replica on my face.

Well that's all, hopefully I will make a regular habit out of this.
My writing skills are so rusty they resemble the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz after a rainfall.
Happy Saturday!

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