I'm a bad blog keeper. On my ever-long to-do list I would write "Make a blog post". But never would I get around to actually doing it, the list entry would just skip along to the next days list and the list until I forgot about it entirely. There have been many happenings since whatever it was I wrote in the last post. Man I still need to think of a better blog title for this thing. Oh wait I was writing about happenings:
- Finished my first year of college with some sanity intact and decent marks to show for all the anxiety
- Tooled around Montreal with the roommates for our second reading break. It was super cold there but we had a blast and didn't even fight once though I'm sure there were some tense moments at times.
- Finally got my apartment for next year all paid for and sorted out, which is a mega relief.
- Packed Sweetbeans car with nearly all my worldly goods because for some reason there was absolutely NO room in the apartment to store some stuff.
- Had a wondrous weekend adventure with Sweetbean, and witnessed for the first time the hilarity that is WholeFoods. (There was a guy in line in front of us with head phones on and a tank top that talked about why he does yoga and he was telling the cash girl that he was working on his album that was a mix of gerbil squeaks and elderly flatulence or whatever. We got a good laugh out of it)
- Danced at Guelph's Saturday evening funk night with my sweety. Unfortunately it wasn't the most wonderful of DJ's that night but still fun. Our second time going out dancing together!
- After a couple of days in London with Dad and Matt, I hopped on the train for Winnipeg. In a berth! Riding fancy I was. (Pictures soon)
- Shocked myself with the quantity of crap I left behind when I went to college
- Bought a wedge heeled sandal for some reason
- Finally met the adorable baby of my friends Tyler and Amanda! They seriously cooked up a cute one. it's crazy because when I left he was still a roast in the oven but now he's a wiggling little person, putting everything and anything in his mouth!
- Skyped with Shannon and shared the awesomeness of Eggplant Fricassee from the silverspoon cookbook. I seriously miss that girl too.
It was a bit difficult at first, adjusting to the idea that while I'm in Winnipeg for the next month or two, I'm not really doing anything. No job, no school. Mom has to remind me that this is vacation. Though I'm constantly wishing for more time to do things that I like to do, I'm not really good at vacations. Too much time to fill. And I was worried at first that I wouldn't have anyone to spend time with while I was here, though I do like time for myself, the knowledge that there's no one around to keep you company when your mom's at work really brings you down and makes you lonely. Plus, I miss the crap out of Sweetbean. It's only been a week but it's a severe shock to the system to go from everyday visits to nothing. Like ripping off a bandaid with most of your skin ripping off with it.
Just have to remind myself that I finally have the time to work on my creative interests. Crocheting, sewing, drawing. Reading all the graphic novels in the library and biking my face off (still need a bike)
Gah! Now I'm excited with all the fun potential adventures!
I won't waste time!
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